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HUMORSCOPE (April 2, 2023 – April 8, 2023)



Aries: Congratulations, Aries! You’ve been awarded the “most likely to burn the candle at both ends” award by the stars. Keep up the good work, but don’t be surprised if you end up looking like a melted wax figure by the end of the week.

Taurus: Taurus, you’ve got the determination of a bull – but this week, you might feel more like a cow stuck in a traffic jam. Just remember, mooove slowly and don’t let the road rage get to you.

Gemini: Gemini, you’re like a two-faced coin – unpredictable and never quite what people expect. This week, you might feel more like a broken slot machine – but hey, at least you’re still a winner in our books!

Cancer: Cancer, you’re known for your emotional depth, but this week, you might feel more like you’re treading water in a kiddie pool. Just remember, it’s okay to splash around and have some fun once in a while.

Leo: Leo, you’re a real lion among sheep. But this week, you might feel more like a lost lamb wandering through the wilderness. Don’t worry though, we hear the stars have a pretty good sense of direction.

Virgo: Virgo, you’re a real perfectionist. But this week, you might feel more like a clown trying to juggle too many balls at once. Just remember, it’s okay to let a few balls drop – nobody’s perfect!

Libra: Libra, you’re always seeking balance in your life. But this week, you might feel more like a seesaw stuck in the middle. Just remember, it’s okay to tilt one way or the other – as long as you don’t fall off.

Scorpio: Scorpio, you’re like a snake shedding its skin – constantly renewing and transforming. But this week, you might feel more like a snail stuck in molasses. Don’t worry, though – slow and steady wins the race!

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, you’re a real adventurer at heart. But this week, you might feel more like a tourist stuck in a never-ending queue. Just remember, sometimes the best adventures are the ones you have in your own backyard.

Capricorn: Capricorn, you’re a real workhorse. But this week, you might feel more like a hamster on a wheel – running in place and going nowhere fast. Just remember, even hamsters need to take a break once in a while.

Aquarius: Aquarius, you’re always thinking outside the box. But this week, you might feel more like a cat stuck in a cardboard box. Don’t worry though – sometimes the best ideas come when we’re feeling a little trapped.

Pisces: Pisces, you’ve got the soul of an artist. But this week, you might feel more like a paint-by-numbers kit – confined and uninspired. Just remember, even paint-by-numbers can lead to a masterpiece if you’re willing to color outside the lines.

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HUMORSCOPE (June 18, 2023 – June 24, 2023)



Aries: Hey, Aries! You’re like a firecracker without a match. You’ve got all the energy, but nobody seems to light your fuse. Don’t worry, though. Keep doing your thing, and eventually, someone will come along with a box of matches. Until then, just remember, even the toughest ram needs a little spark to set the world ablaze!

Taurus: Taurus, my friend, you’re as stubborn as a mule at a yoga class. You stick to your guns like glue, even when everyone else has moved on to bigger and better things. But hey, at least you’re consistent! Just remember, being flexible isn’t just for contortionists; it might help you squeeze into some new opportunities, too!

Gemini: Gemini, you’ve got more personalities than a reality TV show. People never know which version of you they’re gonna get. It’s like a lucky dip, but without any of the prizes. Just remember, having multiple personalities isn’t a bad thing. At least you’ll never get bored with your own company!

Cancer: Cancer, my friend, you’re as sensitive as a snowflake in the Sahara. You take everything to heart, like it’s a personal insult. But hey, don’t sweat it. Embrace your emotions! Just remember, there’s a thin line between being sensitive and being a soggy tissue. Try not to dissolve into tears every time someone gives you a weird look.

Leo: Leo, you’re like a lion with a megaphone, always roaring for attention. You crave the spotlight like a moth to a bug zapper. But hey, keep shining, my friend! Just remember, there’s a fine line between being the king of the jungle and being the court jester. Find that balance, and you’ll have everyone eating out of your paw!

Virgo: Virgo, you’re as organized as a squirrel with OCD. Your color-coded calendars and perfectly alphabetized spice racks put the rest of us to shame. But hey, don’t be too hard on yourself! Life’s messy, and sometimes you just gotta let loose. So go ahead, throw caution to the wind and mix up your sock drawer. It’ll be a wild ride!

Libra: Libra, you’re like a scale without a center. You’re constantly trying to find balance, but life keeps throwing you off-kilter. But hey, don’t worry! It’s not all bad. At least you’ve got an excuse for those occasional falls. Just remember, even a lopsided scale can still measure some pretty awesome stuff!

Scorpio: Scorpio, you’ve got a mysterious aura that could rival the Bermuda Triangle. People can’t help but be intrigued by you, but be careful not to scare them away with your intense stare. Remember, it’s okay to let your guard down once in a while. You might just find that people are dying to get to know the real you!

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, you’re like a shooting star in a fireworks factory. You’ve got big dreams and an adventurous spirit that won’t quit. But hey, slow down there, turbo! It’s great to aim for the stars, but try not to crash into any planets along the way. Pace yourself, and you’ll have a blast exploring the galaxy!

Capricorn: Capricorn, you’re as ambitious as a cheetah chasing down a herd of antelopes. You’ve got your eye on the prize, and nothing can stop you. But hey, take a breather once in a while! Life’s not just about climbing mountains; sometimes you’ve gotta stop and enjoy the view. And who knows, maybe you’ll find a hidden snack bar up there!

Aquarius: Aquarius, you’re like a rebel without a pause button. You march to the beat of your own drum, and nobody can predict what you’ll do next. But hey, that’s what makes you so unique! Just remember, sometimes it’s good to join the marching band instead of always being the one-man show. You might find some cool new moves!

Pisces: Pisces, you’re as dreamy as a mermaid lounging on a cloud. You’ve got your head in the clouds most of the time, and reality seems like a distant land. But hey, keep swimming in those daydreams! Just remember, it’s important to dip your toes in reality once in a while, or you might float away to a place where there’s no pizza delivery. And nobody wants that!

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HUMORSCOPE (June 11, 2023 – June 17, 2023)



Aries: You’re like a firecracker, Aries, ready to explode! But unfortunately, no one seems to be lighting your fuse. You’re feeling overlooked and underappreciated. Just remember, even if nobody gives you credit, you’re still a star—just one that’s never been discovered.

Taurus: Hey, Taurus, you’re stubborn as a bull, and I’m not just talking about your attitude. Your luck is about as reliable as a used car salesman. But hey, chin up! At least you’re consistent, even if it’s consistently bad. Keep plowing through life, just like a bull in a china shop.

Gemini: Gemini, you’ve got more personalities than a reality TV show. One minute you’re outgoing, the next you’re a wallflower. It’s like you’re playing hide and seek with yourself. But don’t worry, at least you’ll never be alone. You’ve always got plenty of company, even if it’s just in your head.

Cancer: Oh, Cancer, you’re so sensitive. You wear your heart on your sleeve and your emotions on your face. People can read you like a book, and unfortunately, it’s one of those boring self-help books that nobody wants to finish. Don’t fret, though. Life may be a rollercoaster, but at least it’s never a dull ride with you.

Leo: Leo, you’re like the king of the jungle, or at least you think you are. Your ego is bigger than the lion’s mane, but your luck is more like a mouse. No matter how much you roar, nobody seems to be bowing down to your greatness. But hey, don’t worry, there’s always someone around to remind you that you’re not as impressive as you think.

Virgo: Virgo, you’re a perfectionist, but unfortunately, the world is far from perfect. You’re like a diamond in the rough, constantly seeking order in a chaotic universe. Just remember, even if everything around you is a mess, at least you can take pride in having a neatly organized sock drawer.

Libra: Libra, you’re all about balance and harmony, but life has other plans. You’re like a tightrope walker, always teetering on the edge. But hey, at least you’ve got great posture! Even when life throws you off balance, you always manage to keep your head held high.

Scorpio: Scorpio, you’ve got a sting that can rival a scorpion’s, but unfortunately, it’s not winning you any popularity contests. You’re like a mystery wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a thick layer of suspicion. Just remember, even if people are a little afraid of you, at least they’ll never forget you.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, you’re always aiming for the stars, but somehow you keep missing the mark. You’re like an archer with a blindfold, shooting arrows into the abyss. But don’t worry, even if your aim is off, you’re still hitting the bullseye when it comes to making people laugh.

Capricorn: Capricorn, you’re ambitious and hardworking, but sometimes it feels like you’re climbing a mountain with no peak in sight. You’re like a goat that’s always striving for more, but no matter how high you climb, you still can’t reach the top shelf at the grocery store. Keep reaching for the stars, even if they seem light-years away.

Aquarius: Aquarius, you’re a free spirit, always marching to the beat of your own drum. But sometimes it feels like you’re the only one in the parade. You’re like a lone wolf, or maybe just a wolf

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HUMORSCOPE (May 7, 2023 – May 13, 2023)



Aries: Hey Aries, you’re so impatient, you make a jackrabbit look like a Zen master. But don’t worry, your impatience will pay off when you finally get that instant gratification you’ve been craving.

Taurus: Taurus, you’re so stubborn, you could argue with a brick wall and still not back down. But hey, at least you know what you want, even if it means banging your head against the wall to get it.

Gemini: Gemini, you’re so indecisive, you make a Libra look decisive. But don’t worry, you’ll eventually make a decision…maybe…unless you change your mind…again.

Cancer: Cancer, you’re so emotional, you cry at the drop of a hat. But don’t worry, those tears are just a sign of your deep sensitivity…or allergies.

Leo: Hey Leo, you’re so self-absorbed, you make a Kardashian look humble. But don’t worry, your confidence is just a sign of your natural leadership skills…or narcissism.

Virgo: Virgo, you’re so obsessed with cleanliness, you make Mr. Clean look like a slob. But hey, at least you’ll never have to worry about catching anything from a dirty surface.

Libra: Libra, you’re so indecisive, you make a Gemini look decisive. But don’t worry, you’ll eventually make a decision…maybe…unless you change your mind…again.

Scorpio: Scorpio, you’re so intense, you could make a lion back down. But don’t worry, that intensity is just a sign of your passion…or anger management issues.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, you’re so restless, you make a hyperactive squirrel look lazy. But don’t worry, your energy is just a sign of your adventurous spirit…or ADHD.

Capricorn: Capricorn, you’re so focused on success, you make a workaholic look lazy. But hey, at least you’ll be able to afford that fancy car and big house you’ve always wanted…and have no time to enjoy.

Aquarius: Aquarius, you’re so eccentric, you make Lady Gaga look normal. But don’t worry, your uniqueness is just a sign of your creativity…or insanity.

Pisces: Pisces, you’re so dreamy, you make a unicorn look practical. But don’t worry, your imagination is just a sign of your artistic nature…or lack of focus.

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